电子邮箱:lijiankun198676@163.com; jiankun2018@henau.edu.cn
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,CNL基因
2. 河南省科技研发计划联合基金(应用攻关类),玉米广谱抗病基因
BSRG1的功能研究及抗性种质创制,2022.6 -2023.12,10万元,主持,结题
3. 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关),玉米弯胞叶斑病抗性基因的功能研究以及抗性种质创制,2021.1-2022.12,10万元,主持,结题
4. 河南农业大学高层次人才(青年英才)项目,玉米广谱抗病基因发掘与抗病机制解析,2018.10-2023.10,50万元,主持,结题
5. 国家“农业生物育种”重大项目子课题,黄淮海区抗病高产多基因聚合种源创新与应用,2023.10-2026.12, 参与,排名第3,在研
6. 河南省科技攻关项目(应用攻关类),
7. 河南省科技攻关项目(应用攻关类),基于
8. 十四五国家重点研发计划,黄淮海西部耐旱高产抗逆适宜机械化新种质创制与应用,2022.12-2027.11,420万元,参与,排名第5,在研
9. 河南省重大科技专项,玉米南方锈病主效抗病基因发掘和育种应用研究,2022.12-2025.11,200万元,参与排名第4
10. 河南省重点研发专项,玉米关键性状优异基因挖掘与新品种选育,2022.7-2024.12,200万元,参与,排名第7,在研
11. 河南省杰出青年基金,
12. 河南省中原青年拔尖人才项目,作物抗病与细胞壁合成机制研究,2020.10-2022.4,50万元,参与,排名第2,结题
1. Gao J, Zhang N, Liu G, Tian J, Chen M, Wang Y, Xing Y, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Mu X, Yu Y, Hongbin Niu H,
Li J*, Tang J
*, Gou M
* 2024, Regulation of maize growth and immunity by ZmSKI3-mediated RNA decay and post-transcriptional gene silencing. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=9.3, 通讯作者)
2. Li J#, Fan T#, Zhang Y, Xing Y, Chen M, Wang Y, Gao J, Zhang N, Tian J, Zhao C, Zhen S, Fu J, Mu X, Tang J, Niu H, Gou M. 2023. Characterization and fine mapping of a maize lesion mimic mutant (
Les8) with enhanced resistance to
Curvularia leaf spot and southern leaf blight.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 137, 7. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=4.4, 第1作者)
Li J#, Chen M
#, Fan T, Mu X, Gao J, Wang Y, Jing T, Shi C, Niu H, Zhen S, Fu J, Zheng J, Wang G, Tang J, Gou M.
2022. Underlying mechanism of accelerated cell death and multiple disease resistance in a maize
lethal leaf spot 1 allele.
Journal of Experimental Botany 73, 3991-4007. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=6.9, 第1作者)
Li J#, Fu J
#, Chen Y, Fan K, He C, Zhang Z, Li L, Liu Y, Zheng J, Ren D, Wang G.
2017. The U6
Biogenesis-Like 1 Plays an important role in maize kernel and seedling development by affecting the 3' end processing of U6 snRNA
. Molecular Plant 10, 470-482. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=9.3, 第一作者)
5. Mu X
Li J#, Dai Z, Xu L, Fan T, Jing T, Chen M, Gou M.
2021. Commonly and specifically activated defense responses in maize disease lesion mimic mutants revealed by integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics analysis.
Frontiers in plant science 12, 690. (
中科院2区, SCI, IF=6.6, 共同第1作者)
6. Jing T, Wu Y, Yu Y,
Li J, Mu X, Xu L, Wang X, Qi G, Tang J, Wang D. Yang S, Hua J, Gou M.
2024. Copine proteins are required for brassinosteroid signaling in maize and Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 15, 2028. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=14.7, 参与)
7. Wang Y, Xing Y, Yang X, Yu Y,
Li J, Zhao C, Yuan M, Huang W, Yin Y, Liu G, Sun Y, Li H, Tang J, Zhang Q, Gou M.
2024. Knockout of ZmNST2 promotes bioethanol production from corn stover. Plant Biotechnology Journal (
中科院2区, SCI, IF=10.1, 参与)
8. Chen R, Wei Q, Liu Y,
Li J, Du X, Chen Y, Wang J, Liu Y.
2023. The pentatricopeptide repeat protein EMP601 functions in maize seed development by affecting RNA editing of mitochondrial transcript
ccmC. The Crop Journal 11, 1368-1379. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=6.6, 参与)
9. Guo Y, Chen Y, Zhang J,
Li J, Fan K, Chen R, Liu Y, Zheng J, Fu J, Gu R.
2022. Epigenetic mutation in a
Tubulin Folding Cofactor B (
ZmTFCB) gene arrests kernel development in maize.
Plant and Cell Physiology 63, 1156-1167. (
中科院2区, SCI, IF=4.9, 参与)
10. Wang J, Xue X, Zeng H,
Li J, Chen LQ.
2022. Sucrose rather than GA transported by AtSWEET13 and AtSWEET14 supports pollen fitness at late anther development stages.
New Phytologist 236, 525-537. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=9.4, 参与)
11. Mu X, Dai Z, Guo Z, Zhang H, Yang J, Gan X,
Li J, Liu Z, Tang J, Gou M.
2021. Systematic dissection of disease resistance to southern corn rust by bulked-segregant and transcriptome analysis.
Crop Journal 10, 426-435. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=4.6, 参与)
12. Li L, Du Y, He C, Dietrich CR,
Li J, Ma X, Wang R, Liu Q, Liu S, Wang G, Schnable P, Zheng J.
2019. Maize
glossy6 is involved in cuticular wax deposition and drought tolerance.
Journal of Experimental Botany 70, 3089-3099. (
中科院1区, SCI, IF=6.9, 参与)
13. Chen, Y.,
Li, J., Fan, K., Du, Y., Ren, Z., Xu, J., Zheng, J., Liu, Y., Fu, J., Ren, D., and Wang, G. 2017. Mutations in the maize zeta-carotene desaturase gene lead to viviparous kernel.
PLoS One 12, e0174270. (
中科院2区, SCI, IF=2.7, 参与)
14. 马文豪,葛启栋,王盈,陈梦瑶,
玉米科学. 32(3):26~31, 41 (
分子植物育种,10:238-244. (
16. 陈果,
2011,9:572-578. (
1. ZmSKI3 基因和ZmSKI2基因在调控玉米籽粒发育中的应用,2024.3.5,中国,2024102461970,排名第1
2. 国家发明专利,一种
3. 国家发明专利,
4. 国家发明专利,一种与玉米抗病性相关的 ZmSKI3 基因及其应用, 2024.3.5,中国,2024102461383,排名第2
5. 国家发明专利,控制玉米株高的基因、其编码的蛋白质极其应用,2020.12.16,中国,ZL202011490418.7,排名第5
6. 国家发明专利,玉米双调控模块在调控植物生长和抗病平衡中的应用,2023.5.6,中国,ZL202210674892.8,排名第5
1. 2022农学院优秀班主任
2. 2023年第十六届“挑战杯”河南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 “玉黍磷丰”——玉米磷高效基因ZmHP1的克隆及优异种质创制”河南省一等奖,优秀指导教师
3. 2021年第十五届“挑战杯”河南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“玉米类病斑突变体介导的玉米抗病性分析”河南省二等奖,指导教师
4. 2021年河南农业大学第一届“星火杯”学术科技竞赛,特等奖,指导老师
5. Underlying mechanism of accelerated cell death and multiple disease resistance in a maize
lethal leaf spot 1 allele,河南省教育厅优秀科技论文奖二等奖,排名第1
6. Commonly and specifically activated defense responses in maize disease lesion mimic mutants revealed by integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics analysis,河南省教育厅优秀科技论文奖二等奖,排名第2