E-mail: feier201000@163.com
1. 国家重点研发计划“农业生物种质资源挖掘与创新利用”重点专项子课题,2022.12-2027.11,80万,在研,
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31301307,小麦品系陕农69抗条锈病基因
4. 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项:小麦茎基腐病抗性基因挖掘及优异种质资源创制。编号:SQ2019YFE011869。金额:270万。时间:2021.1-2023.12。参加(
Yan Ren, Yue Wang, Li-yan Wang, Xia-Lei Lv, Ti Liu, Jing-yun Nie, Peng Guo, Lin Ma, Xiao-nan Sun, Feng Chen*. Development of diagnostic molecular markers to differentiate sharp eyespot and Fusarium crown rot isolates collected from common wheat fields in China. Phytoparasitica, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12600-022-01027-w. (IF=1.809)
Yan Ren#, Peng-Bo Yu#, Yue Wang, Wei-Xiu Hou, Xia Yang, Jia-Lin Fan, Xiao-Hui Wu, Xia-Lei Lv, Ning Zhang, Zhong-Dong Dong and Feng Chen*. Development of a rapid approach for detecting sharp eyespot resistance in seedling-stage wheat and its application in Chinese wheat cultivars.
Plant Disease, 2020, 104 (6): 1662-1667 (
中科院一区,SCI IF = 3.809)
Yan Ren, Weixiu Hou, Caixia Lan, Bhoja R. Basnet, Ravi P. Singh, Wei Zhu, Xiyong Cheng, Dangqun Cui and Feng Chen*. QTL analysis and nested association mapping for adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in two bread wheat populations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1212 (SCI IF = 3.677)
Yan Ren, Li-Sen Liu, Zhong-Hu He, Ling Wu, Bin Bai, Xian-Chun Xia*. QTL mapping of adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in a ‘Lumai 21×Jingshuan16’ wheat population. Plant Breeding, 2015, 134 (5): 501-507 (SCI IF = 1.502)
Yan Ren#, ZaiFeng Li#, Zhon-Hu He, Ling Wu, Bin Bai, Caixia Lan, Cuifen Wang, Gang Zhou, Huazhong Zhu, Xianchun Xia*. QTL mapping of adult-plant resistance to stripe rust and leaf rust in Chinese wheat cultivar Bainong 64.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012, 125(6): 1253-1262 (
中科院一区,SCI IF = 3.658)
Yan Ren, Zhonghu He, Jia Li, Morten Lillemo, Ling Wu, Bai Bin, Qiongxian Lu, Huazhong Zhu, Gang Zhou, Jiuyuan Du, Qinglin Lu, Xianchun Xia*. QTL mapping of adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in a population derived from common wheat cultivars Naxos and Shanghai 3/Catbird.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012, 125(6): 1211-1221. (
中科院一区,SCI IF = 3.658)
Aolin Jia,
Yan Ren, Fengmei Gao, Guihong Yin, Jiuyuan Du, Lu Guo, Jizhou Zheng, Zhonghu He, Xianchun Xia. Mapping and validation of a new QTL for adultplant resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese elite bread wheat line Zhou8425B.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2018 131(5): 1063-1071 (
中科院一区,SCI IF = 3.658)
Zhou Yue,
Yan Ren, Mortn Lillemo, Zhanjun Yao, Peipei Zhang, Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He, Zaifeng Li, Daqun Liu. QTL mapping of adult-plant resistance to leaf rust in a RIL population derived from across of wheat cultivars Shanghai 3/Catbird and Naxos.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2014, 127:1873-1883 (
中科院一区,SCI IF = 3.658)
Bin Bai,
Yan Ren, Xianchun Xia, Jiuyuan Du, Gang Zhou, Ling Wu, Huazhong Zhu, Chengshe Wang*. Mapping of quantitative trait loci for adult plant resistance to stripe rust in German wheat cultivar Ibis. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11(4): 528-536 (SCI IF = 0.625)
Qiongxian Lu, Asmund Bjornstad,
Yan Ren, Muhammad Azeem Asad, Xianchun Xia, Xinmin Chen, Fang Ji, Jianrong Shi, Morten Lillemo. Partial resistance to powdery mildew in German spring wheat ‘Naxos’ is based on multiple genes with stable effects in diverse environments.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012, 125(2): 297-309 (
中科院一区,SCI IF = 3.658)
Yanxue Fang, Lei Zhao,
Yan Ren, Zhongdong Dong, Dangqun Cui, Feng Chen*. Genome-wide association study revealed that the TaGW8 gene was associated with kernel size in Chinese bread wheat.
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 2702 (SCI IF = 3.998)
Xia Yang, Shaobin Zhong, Qijun Zhang,
Yan Ren, Congwei Sun and Feng Chen. A loss-of-function of the dirigent gene TaDIR-B1 improves resistance to Fusarium crown rot in wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 866-868 (SCI IF = 9.803)
Congwei Sun, Zhongdong Dong, Lei Zhao,
Yan Ren, Ning Zhang and Feng Chen. The Wheat 660K SNP array demonstrates great potential for marker-assisted selection in polyploid wheat.
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 1-7 (SCI IF = 8.154)
Ning Zhang, Lingran Zhang, Lei Zhao,
Yan Ren, Dangqun Cui, Jianhui Chen, Yongyan Wang, Pengbo Yu, Feng Chen. iTRAQ and virus-induced gene silencing revealed three proteins involved in cold response in bread wheat.
Scientific Reports, 2017, 10.1038/s41598-017-08069-9 (SCI IF = 4.122)
Can Chen, Zhonghu He, Jialing Lu, Jia Li,
Yan Ren, Chuanxi Ma, Xianchun Xia. Molecular mapping of stripe rust resistance gene YrJ22 in Chinese wheat cultivar Jimai 22. Molecular Breeding, 2016, 36(8): 118 (SCI IF = 2.465)
Yang Xia, Yubo Pan, Pawan K. Singh, Xinyao He,
Yan Ren, Lei Zhao, Ning Zhang, Shunhe Cheng, Feng Chen. Investigation and genome-wide association study for Fusarium crown rot resistance in Chinese common wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19: 153 (SCI IF = 3.594 )
Yongyan Wang, Chaonan Shi, Tianxiao Yang, Lei Zhao, Jianhui Chen, Ning Zhang,
Yan Ren, Guiliang Tang, Dangqun Cui, Feng Chen. High-throughput sequencing revealed that microRNAs were involved in the development of superior and inferior grains in bread wheat.
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 13854 (SCI IF = 4.011)
Guoguo Lv, Zhongdong Dong, Yudan Wang, Junyou Geng, Jia Li, Xialei Lv, Congwei Sun,
Yan Ren, Jianwei Zhang, Feng Chen. Identification of genetic loci of black point in Chinese common wheat by genome-wide association study and linkage mapping.
Plant Disease, 2020, 104 (7): 2005-2013 (
中科院一区,SCI IF = 3.809 )
任妍,邓跟望,刘理森等. 168份小麦不同病害抗性材料白粉病抗性鉴定
. 麦类作物学报, 2015, 35(6):759-767
耿君佑, 陈建辉, 董中东,
任妍, 张宁, 孙丛苇, 陈锋, 赵磊*. 小麦芒性基因的定位与候选基因分析. 植物遗传资源学报,2021,4: 1090-1098.
任妍,侯伟秀,郑跃婷,李林杰,王月,耿君佑,陈锋. 小麦苗期抗纹枯病鉴定方法的改良及抗病品种筛选.
植物病理学报,2019, 10.13926/j.cnki.apps.000300
任妍,余懋群,付体华. 小麦优质谷蛋白亚基分子标记多重PCR体系的建立及应用,
作物学报,2009, 35(10):1831-1835
1. 陈锋、孙丛苇、任妍、张宁、赵磊、董中东、阳霞. 小麦超高密度SNP芯片制备方法及应用。202210846672.9。申请日:2022.07.05
2. 陈锋、孙丛苇、赵磊、董中东、张宁、任妍、阳霞. 一种检测小麦面团高稳定时间基因的引物及其应用。202111387100.0. 申请日:2021.11.22。
3. 陈锋、阳霞、赵磊、任妍、张宁、董中东、孙丛苇. 小麦茎基腐病相关基因TaDIR-B1及其应用。申请号:202011509914.2。申请日:2020.12.19。授权日:2022.07.08.
4. 陈锋、赵磊、张宁、任妍、董中东、王盈。小麦分蘖性状相关基因TaTAC1、其表达产物、其表达载体及应用。专利号:201910213415.X。申请日:2019.03.20。授权日:2022.4.15
5. 陈锋、陈建辉、张宁、赵磊、董中东、任妍。小麦面粉色泽性状相关基因及其应用。授权号:201910169137.2。申请日:2019.03.06。授权日:2022.03.15
6. 陈锋、田秋珍、吕国国、张宁、赵磊、任妍。小麦籽粒脂肪氧化酶新基因及其应用。授权号:ZL201810432659.2;申请日:2018.05.08。授权日:2021.06.15
7. 陈锋、张宁、赵磊、任妍、崔党群、董中东、张灵然。干旱条件下小麦低温胁迫响应蛋白TaCDCP及其编码基因和应用。授权号:ZL201711133248.5;申请日:2017.11.16。授权日:2020.10.30
8. 何中虎,郑天存,任妍,一种辅助选育抗条锈病小麦品种的方法及其专用PCR试剂,2013.04,中国,ZL201110136905.8
1. 河南省科技进步二等奖,2022(排名第7)
2. 河南省自然科学奖二等奖,2021(排名第4)
3. 河南省科技成果奖一等奖,2020(排名第10)
4. 河南农业大学“黄大年式教师团队”成员,2022
5. 河南农业大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师,2021
6. 河南农业大学优秀课程团队负责人,2020
7. 农学院课堂教学创新大赛二等奖,2020