1. 国家自然基金优秀青年基金,大豆种质资源与遗传育种,31522042,150万元,主持,2016-2018
2. 国家自然基金面上项目,抗倒伏大豆茎杆解剖结构及化学组分的分析及QTL定位,31371654,74万元,主持,2014-2017
3. 国家转基因重大专项子课题,营养功能型转基因大豆新品种培育,250万元,主持,2016-2020
4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,主要农作物抗病虫抗逆性状形成的分子基础,140万元,主持,2016-2020
1. Guo W, Zhang F, Bao A, You Q, Li Z, Chen J, Cheng Y, Zhao W, Shen X, Zhou X, Jiao Y* (2018) The soybean
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Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12753
2. Li X, Huang L, Lu J, Cheng Y, You Q, Wang L, Song X, Zhou X and
Jiao Y* (2018) Large-Scale Investigation of Soybean Gene Functions by Overexpressing a Full-Length Soybean cDNA Library in Arabidopsis.
Front. Plant Sci. 9:631.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00631
3. Zhao W, Cheng Y, Zhang C, Shen X, You Q, Guo W, Li X, Song X, Zhou X and
Jiao Y* (2017) Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of the GmSnRK2 Family in Soybean.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi:10.3390/ijms18091834
4. Zhao W, Cheng Y, Zhang C, You Q , Shen X , Guo W , Jiao Y* (2017) Genome-wide identification and characterization of circular RNAs by high throughput sequencing in soybean.
Scientific Reports DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05922-9
5. Gao S, Zhao W, Li X, You Q, Shen X, Guo W, Wang S, Shi G, Liu Z* and
Jiao Y* (2017) Identification and characterization of miRNAs in two closely related C4 and C3 species of Cleome by high-throughput sequencing.
Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/srep46552
6. Wang X, Lu J, Chen H, Shan Z, Shen X, Duan B, Zhang C, Yang Z, Zhang X, Qiu D, Chen S, Zhou X* and
Jiao Y* (2017) Comparative analyses of transcriptome and proteome in response to cotton bollworm between a resistant wild soybean and a susceptible soybean cultivar.
Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult DOI 10.1007/s11240-017-1196-5
7. Chen W
Jiao Y1, Cheng L, Huang L, Liao B, Tang M, Ren X, Zhou X, Chen Y, Jiang H* (2016) Quantitative trait locus analysis for pod- and kernel-related traits in the cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).
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Jiao Y*, Vuong TD, Liu Y, Meinhardt C, Liu Y, Joshi T, Cregan PB, Xu D, Shannon JG, Nguyen HT* (2015)Identification and evaluation of quantitative trait loci underlying resistance to multiple HG types of soybean cyst nematode in soybean PI 437655. T
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Jiao Y*, Vuong TD, Liu Y, Li Z, Robbins R, Shannon JG and Nguyen HT* (2015) Identification and characterization of QTL underlying resistance to southern root knot and reniform nematodes in soybean PI 567516C.
Mol Breeding (2015) 35: 131. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-015-0330-5 ((第一和共同通讯)
10. Wan J
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11. Lu Z, Shao G, Xiong J,
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12. Lu Z, Yu H, Xiong G, Wang J,
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14. Xiong G, Hu X,
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15. 陆捡花,李祥,赵为,沈欣杰,郭葳,王笑一,周新安,矫永庆 (2017) 大豆 MYB转录因子 GmMYB010与其 拟南芥同源基因的功能差异.中国油料作物学报,39(3):281-293
16. 大豆褐化胞囊线虫胞囊自动计数方法.2017. 矫永庆,郭葳,张凤. 申请号:201711033842.7
17. 大豆抗旱相关蛋白在调控大豆抗旱性中的应用. 2017. 矫永庆,沈欣杰,王岩岩. 申请号:201710873361.0
18. 一种表达载体及其在植物基因功能研究中的应用。. 2017. 矫永庆,李祥,郭葳. 申请号:201710248125.X
19. 与植物株型相关的蛋白IPA1及其编码基因与应用. 2010. 李家洋,钱前,王永红,矫永庆,薛大伟,刘贵富,王静,董国军. 专利号:CN201010146613.8
1. 获得2011年“中国科学院优秀博士论文奖”和“北京市优秀博士论文奖”